Check Out our Mashable Feature!

Apr 26, 2024

Hello EstateX Family,

As we continue to gear up for launch, our marketing activities are reaching new heights with each passing day. Following our recent announcement of Michael van de Poppe, another huge KOL partnership that will drive massive buy pressure for launch, it’s time for us to increase the temperature some more.

Bart recently sat down for an exclusive interview with Mashable, one of the leading publications in the European Benelux region. During this insightful conversation, Bart delved into the intricacies of EstateX, shedding light on our ground-breaking approach to real estate income, the user-friendly nature of our platform, and our bold vision for the future.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg! #EstateX is poised to make a splash in the market, and this interview marks only the beginning of what promises to be an EPIC marketing campaign.

But the excitement doesn't end there! Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 2nd, as we have yet another MONUMENTAL announcement in store. This announcement will catapult EstateX to new heights, propelling us into an entirely new realm of success. We're not just witnessing a project; we're witnessing a REVOLUTION in the making!

Click Here to dive into the interview and join us on this exhilarating journey towards success!

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